Sunday, January 20, 2019

101 ways to a better life: Be Goofy

I just finished reading 101 ways to better life (shout out to Cindy) for the book. I highly recommend reading it, it was insightful and real. The author is humble the poet, a local artist and rapper from Toronto. His style of writing is really cool, and each chapter contains short messages that are designed to boost you up and bring you back to reality. I don't want to spoil much of it, because I do think it is a book all people should check out. Here is the link for buying, and there are a few copies in the library!

The Last Chapter of the book, Humble encourages you to write something, your own way that you would share with the world. First I thought about writing a piece about coming back, about taking hits and then recovering. I started writing it and although it was cool and it has great personal significance, it didn't feel totally like me. Then I felt like writing about the importance of knowing owning up to things, and the lessons I learned about accepting the consequences of your choices. Again, same thing although I felt it, I didn't quite feel it. Last, I thought about the importance of showing gratitude and being there for the people you care about. This piece resulted in me making thinking about all the people I have to apologize to and contact. But again, same thing - I wasn't truly feeling it. After some thought I came up with the piece.

May way to a better life: Be Goofy

We spend so much time suppressing the quirks that make us who we are. This is not cool. I'm here to tell you one of my ways to a better life is to be quirky, embrace all your quirks, all of your quarks, and all of your quacks. A lot of life is serious, and a lot of what we do is serious, I'm not saying it's not good to be professional or serious about the many serious things. I'm saying that very few things are that serious, and most of the serious stuff is only serious because other people who don't give a crap about us make it serious.

I say that when you feel like it, forget the serious stuff and be goofy. You feel like playing tag on campus - do it! Physical activity is good for you! If you feel like convincing your family members to joke around on a guided tour-do it! You will create a lasting memory.  You feel like repeatedly stealing a coat-rack from the next office- do it! You could make a great friend that way (or end up with a coat rack). You feel like incorporating a Drake lyric into your weekly updates - do it! You could help relax a tense meeting mood. You feel like leaving a voicemail that is nothing kanye's newest song- do it! It'll show your homie you care and you're there fore them. You feel like leaving sticky notes on a co-workes desk,  setting a screenshot as a friend's computer background, or doing a random (unsolicited) guest post on your homie's insta- do it. Just because.

Being silly is good for you, I have made many great friends, many great memories, and got a coat-rack just because I wanted to be goofy. Sometimes it was not appreciated, but most of the times it was. Life is pretty short, and it should be fun :-D

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